FLESH FRESH " Nude Photo & Painting Exhibition

Nude Photo & Painting Exhibition
FLESH FRESH ! is a gathering of nude photographers, painting artist and street artist. Nudity or being naked is natural and very common in our lives. So FLESH FRESH ! aims to gather that freshness in this exhibition, both in the form of photographs, drawings. The highlight of this exhibition is when photos and drawings are combined together!
Date : Fri 26 August (Opening Party start at 6 pm.) ~ Fri 9 September 2022
Place : Labyrinth Cafe (แล็บลิ้นน คาเฟ่)
4 Artists
Photographer : Sophirat Muangkum , Mix Ponlawat
Painter : Treetana Vee Tgu , Phai Tanasan
Guest Artist : Pod Moderndog
Curated by Gink
This exhibition will give you a new perspective of nudity that you have never experienced anywhere else before!
Don't be shy to appreciate the art, Don't be shy to come, Feel free to invite some friends to come with you. Because we are all naked every day!