YEAR 2019
“ Message in the body : if you were me
Would you …………………………? ” (2019)
First, my passion to take a photography is a humans skin. After 12 years in my career ,
I found out that I also love humanity and humans thoughts.
This project has been created and inspired by comments in Social media nowaday.
The toxic people love to push someone down and ready to judge the others.
I love nature and I believe that all are beautiful in their own way.
But why Body-shaming?
I doubt , if toxic people say to themselves in the mirror badly?
I believe that the body cover the soul.
Outsider can see only react but they have no idea what their true feeling are.
This photo set also contains models story,experienced and thought.
I want my work to communicate to both the society,
the outsider looking in who must learn to respect the others
and those who are in the same situation to learn to respect and be proud of yourself.
Everyone needs respect.
Concept & Photographer : Sophirat Muangkum
Model : Piriya Krancomyee
Sasiyada Chanpattana
Idsarat Saelim

“ This is MY BODY ” (2019)
You might have heard once if you grew up in a conservative country that you must respect traditional and culture no matter how much it’s different from the way you are, but some people forget that
‘ People are culture ’ and People have feeling.
This exhibition has been created and inspired by People in the northern Thailand who were born or have lived here, even who have moments here and also comments in Social media nowadays.
I love nature and I believe that all are beautiful in their own way
and everyone has their own story.
Why Body-shaming? Cyberbullying?
There are toxic people who love to push someone down and ready to judge the others.
I doubt , if the toxic people say to themselves in the mirror badly?
I believe that the body cover the soul.
Outsider can see only a reaction but they have no idea what their true feeling are.
These photos also contains models story, experienced and thought.
I would love to communicate to both the society through my work,
the outsider looking in who must learn to respect the others
and those who are in the same situation to learn to respect and be proud of yourself.
Because Everyone Needs Respect.

It’s the first time that I had a chance to choose members of my family to become my art object because I’m a nude photographer artist which my work is very sensitive in conservative country as Thailand.
Even my family said nothing before and let me do the thing I love but I still feel there is a gap that my family doesn’t into it for real.
For this photograph, tells about culture transmission between two generations. We all mostly learn that we must learn from previous generation but in year 2019 , we can’t denied that all generations must learn each others because there is nothing so right and so wrong anymore. People changed , culture changed.

‘Even the moon is not in full, yet remains its beauty’, It is still ambiguous why people care about looking at the moon. Being just a big shining star in way too far from earth will not be a reason but what make the moon be so seductive until being sometimes compared to womankind – as beautiful as the moon.
That might be because we can never get enough looking at the moon shadow in the dark night as if being spellbound. Like black and white photo which reduce its surroundings and highlighted our deep feeling.
The beauty of the moon at night, it’s not only about a romantic feeling. The moon also affect surrounding environment as we would like to observe or not.
In addition to the moon cause tide on earth.
We may have heard the belief about the lunar effect that the moon affects humans mood,behavior,emotion and people may depressed for no reason or even cause unexpected behavior.
Because I’m interested in a humans thought, therefore it becomes the source of communication instead to searching for the answer into questioning because even we believe that humans are so different from the other animals, just because humans can think, analyze,discriminate or more morals.
But sometimes some of actions that we see nowadays.
Only humans know why.
( inspired by Amazon forest fire & plastic pollution news )

Wild Things (2019)
“ Do what you love as you are alone in your place. Loving yourself as no one can see or even judge.”
I asked permission to bring their hidden side , to show themselves from the inside out.
Some of these photoset I worked with Ann Watinee. I interviewed her and found out that she is an ordinary woman but charming and her story is quite interesting.
Her story makes me feel that people do many things that are not themself and expect to beloved. Unfortunately, sometimes they are lost.
It’s not selfish to love yourself first. If someone else comes into your life.