YEAR 2015
“ The Secret of Skin ” (2015-2016)
Since its origins nude photography has been inspiring an endless debate: could it be considered art or obscenity? However, it might no matter where the truth is. Nude photography can assimilate a communication value. Indeed, nudity itself has more latent meanings: self-expression, emotional side of a person, freedom, authenticity, identity as human beings, and so on.
Looking at some photos of nudes they may not be immediately comprehensible. Like a puzzle, you have to look them twice, then think what the photographer was willing to communicate. Photography has its own reason to be and it has many dimensions and interpretations. And some photography cannot be explain in words, so you have to use your own feelings and judgement.
If clothes wrap the body, the skin wraps the soul. We don’t know anything if we see only the cover. This is true, “don’t judge a book by its cover”. Maybe this is the reason why I am interested in human beings and in who they really are, as much as I’m infatuated with human skin. That’s why I take photographs of nude people.
There is a direct communicative mood between me and the model. Sometimes it comes from my personal story, and my desire to express opinions through my work of which nudity is a part of it. Sometimes I show who the model really is from my point of view.
I don’t have rules in photography. Maybe just one: nudity is a form of communication. I believe that each photography’s form gives me a different result. I just decide to use which one is the right form for my work, based on the final result.